“In my Father’s house there are many rooms.” John 14:2
It can sometimes feel intimidating to enter a church you’re not familiar with. You might feel self-conscious when it seems that everybody but you knows what they’re doing. At St. John, nobody will be singled out or made to feel uncomfortable. You are our respected and welcome guest, and we hope you will feel as comfortable in our house as you would in that of a valued friend. Please don’t hesitate to ask our ushers or greeters at the door if you have any questions.
As a non-Catholic, how can I participate in Mass?
If you accept the significance of Catholic customs during Mass, then there is no reason for you to refrain from those acts. You are more than welcome to engage in many of the church activities. You may make the sign of the cross using the Holy Water, kneel or bow to the tabernacle before entering the pews or kneel during communion. You are encouraged to participate in the singing, praying, and offering the sign of peace. However, Holy Communion and Confession are reserved for Catholics. If you are interested in exploring the possibility of becoming Catholic you are encouraged to contact our Director of RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation), Elaine Ouellette at (810) 658-4776 ext. 272 or email her at meolet@stjohndavison.org