With the Automatic Offering Plan, you don’t need to spend time writing checks or filling out offering envelopes. Actually, it doesn’t take any time at all! You’ll save on check printing costs and your bank service fees. Plus, we can better budget our finances when we can rely on a stable, regular income base. Your offering will be made on a consistent basis, even when you’re away from home on business or vacation.
How it works
You designate how often you want to contribute and the amount you select for your offering will be transferred automatically from your checking/draft account to the church’s account. Each offering amount will be noted on your bank account statement. Sign up today, it’s easy and gives our church the support it needs. Just complete this authorization form. Return it through the mail with a voided check or draft, in the enclosed envelope, or drop it in the collection basket. (Please make and keep a copy for your records).