Are you seeking information on becoming a member of the Catholic Church or possibly just interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? Whether you have been baptized in another faith tradition or have never been baptized and are seeking information, We Welcome You!
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process designed for those who have never been baptized or have been baptized in another faith tradition and are thinking about becoming Catholic. We welcome new members year round. It is also open to those who have been baptized Catholic and never received any other sacrament.
Seeking Baptism
As I reflect on my faith journey, I realize that becoming Catholic and doing so in my hometown after so many years away and miles traveled, was absolutely part of God’s plan for me. Living in the Middle East, I witnessed firsthand the sacrifices of being Christian and felt compelled to commit to a faith tradition. While contemplating the beliefs of the Catholic Church through the RCIA process, the deciding factor for me was learning that the structure and scriptures of Mass each week are universal. In a world that seems so divided, this power of unity in Christ is simply unbeatable. As stated in my testimony, I knew I wanted “the whole bucket” when declaring my faith. My church is my home. It’s where I rejuvenate with family, offer my time, talent, and treasures to make it a welcoming place, and invite others in to share life’s many splendors.
Everyone has a unique purpose and path. Baptism and becoming Catholic are truly just the beginnings of any faith journey. It constantly evolves, and at times, tests you. I encourage you to explore and embrace what God has planned for you. The doors of St. John and Blessed Sacrament are always open, so please, come in and make yourself at home with us!
Seeking Membership in the Catholic Church

Those who are already baptized in another faith tradition and feel drawn to become members of the Catholic Church are received into Full Communion at various times throughout the year.
Baptized Catholic: Seeking Confirmation and Eucharist

Those who have been baptized Catholic but never received Confirmation and Eucharist may also participate in aspects of the process. They would also receive their sacraments at various times throughout the year.
Process and Contact Information
During the process, participants of the RCIA are invited to several preparatory Rites, which normally take place during the Sunday Mass. Throughout the year, RCIA members attend the 10:00 a.m. weekend Mass. Those who are not yet baptized (Catechumens) are dismissed after the homily to gather together and reflect on the Sunday readings and the homily.
Meetings take place in the Family Center on Sunday morning after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. The meetings present an overview of Catholic beliefs and provide an opportunity to ask questions and explore your feelings and any concerns you may have. The RCIA is a process that helps us strengthen our relationship with God through prayer, study, community and service. You will find yourself in a friendly and welcoming group where you can comfortably contemplate this important decision in your life.
The reception of the sacraments in the RCIA process depends upon the readiness of the individual.
The normal time for an unbaptized person to receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism-Confirmation-Eucharist is at an Easter Vigil.
Those who are already baptized in another faith tradition and feel drawn to become members of the Catholic Church are received into Full Communion at various times throughout the year.
Those who have been baptized Catholic but never received Confirmation and Eucharist may also participate in aspects of the process. They would also receive their sacraments at various times throughout the year.
Children who have reached the age of seven may also participate in this process if they have never been baptized or have been baptized but have not received the other sacraments. Upon their readiness they would complete their Sacraments of Initiation.
Elaine Ouellette, RCIA Director
(810) 652-4776 ext. 272
Keeper of the Keys:
John Erickson