Annual Events

All Souls Day Noon Prayer

Annual Prayer Service held inside the Mausoleum at noon on All Souls Day.

Contact: Veronica Ur (810) 653-2377 ext. 252

Andy’s Attic

Donated items including furniture, clothing, and household goods from parishioners are sorted and sold at a spring and summer fundraiser for St. John Parish.

Contact: Sandy Zelonis (215) 280-2584

Bereavement Mass/Dinner

A Memorial Mass and Brunch for Bereaved family members.

Contact: Gloria Randall (810) 658-7114

Beach Party

Winter time event to lift everyone’s spirits with summertime dress, games, and food. Occurs every other year, the 1st Saturday in February.

Contact: Rob Moquin (810) 653-2377

Choir Camp

Stories, songs, prayers, and fun for ages 6-16.

Contact: Julie Richards (810) 658-1135

Fish Fry

A fish dinner and raffle during Lent and during the Davison Pumpkin Festival in October.

Contact: Veronica Ur (810) 653-2377 ext. 252; Mike Smothers (586) 206-4213

Fourth of July Mass

An outdoor liturgy commemorating the birth of our nation.

Contact: Rita Morgan (810) 397-3190

Holiday Happenings Craft Show

Craft Show, the second weekend in November. See bulletin for details.

Contact: Cindy Thomas (810) 223-6267

Homemade Pierogi/Golabki

A special activity that coincides with Polka Mass Week.

Contact: Susan Wieczorek (810) 553-8082

Hungarian Sausage

Held twice yearly in November and March at Blessed Sacrament.

Kolachy Bake

Sponsored by Men’s Club twice a year.

Contact: Tom O’Brien (248) 941-4565

Labor Day Mass

An outdoor liturgy focusing on the blessing of labor.

Contact: Rita Morgan (810) 397-3190

Memorial Day Mass

Outdoor Mass, weather-permitting, held at the St. John Cemetery on Memorial Day. Light refreshments follow and tours of the Mausoleum provided for those interested.

Contact: Rita Morgan (810) 397-3190; Laurie Miles (810) 653-2377

Men’s Retreat

Retreat at St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt, Michigan.

Contact: Dennis LaRocque (810) 653-7495

Men’s Conference

Annual Diocesan Event.

Contact: Deacon Dan Fairweather (810) 653-0070

Nut Sale

St. John Parish fundraiser that kicks-off the Polka Party Weekend the first Saturday in November and goes through Advent.

Contact: Veronica Ur (810) 653-2377; Father Andrew (810) 653-2377

Oktoberfest Fish Fry

A Fish dinner and raffle during the Pumpkin Festival, the weekend of the 2nd Saturday in October.

Contact: Mike Smothers (586) 206-4213

Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service

Interdenominational prayer service giving thanks to God for his abundant blessings. Area churches combine at a different location every year.

Contact: Julie Richards (810) 658-1135

Women’s Retreat

Retreat at St Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt, Michigan.

Contact: Noma Pomaville (810) 232-5459