While carefully protecting Jesus’ teaching of the sacredness of marriage, the Church teaches that according to the law of God, marriage is by its nature a permanent union. Therefore, the Church’s law presumes the validity of a marriage unless the contrary is proven.
The annulment ministry seeks to assist persons:
1) who have experienced divorce, and often feel alienated from the Church because of being in a 2nd marriage, or
2) others, desiring to marry again in the Church seek a declaration of nullity of their 1st marriage.
The minister assists such person in examining their first marriage to determine whether that marriage possessed the qualities necessary for a genuine sacramental union of the two spouses.
These findings are then submitted to the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal for further study.
During the initial interview, the Petitioner receives all information and forms needed to process a case. At further intervals, progress is monitored, and further information and help given when needed.
Personal interviews are arranged at the convenience of the persons seeking assistance. There are NO FEES associated with the annulment process.
Other Annulment Resources:
Deacon Dan Fairweather
(810) 653-2377 ext. 248