Liturgical Ministries

Adult Altar Server

Adults serve at the daily 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Masses, as well as special daily services, i.e. 50 and Over Mass, Senior Day, Holy Days, Holidays, and at Funerals/Memorial Services.

Click Here for schedule

1. Weekday Mass Ministers
2. Funeral Server Guide
3. Funeral Server Checklist
4. Funeral Server Tips
5. Sunday Server Guide
6. Weekday Server Guide

Mary Jo Headrick
(810) 793-4630

Altar Server

Boys and Girls who have celebrated their First Eucharist and who assist at the altar during Mass and special services. Training provided.

Schedules for St. John and Blessed Sacrament

Training Videos

Contact: Shari West

Altar Care Ministry

Parishioners, both women and men, who assist in maintaining and cleaning the sanctuary and other church areas.

Contact: Diane Martin (810) 618-3969

Altar Society

This organization is voluntary and open to all women of the parish. Its purpose is to provide altar breads, wine, candles, vestments, linens, and other items used in liturgical celebrations, and to clean and care for the sacristies and sanctuaries. Members meet on the first Tuesday of the month. Their main fund-raising project is the Spring Raffle.

Contact: Renee LaRocque (810) 653-7495 for St. John and Pat Ockerman (810) 845-0422 for Blessed Sacrament.

Art & Environment

Helps create a prayerful church environment with decorations, flowers, banners, etc. in order to enhance community worship in keeping with the various liturgical seasons and events.

Contact: Diane Mischel (810) 577-5120 for St. John and Pat Ockerman (810) 845-0422 for Blessed Sacrament


Thinking about joining a choir? Learn more about all the opportunities we have below! There are options for all ages and abilities if you feel you are being called to this ministry. If you are worried because you don’t know how to read music or feel you need voice training, theory classes are offered periodically.

St. John Resurrection Choir
-Availability for funeral liturgies (you do not have to be at every funeral)
-A kind and gentle spirit
-Willingness to take direction

St. John Kristal Bells (ages 5-9)
-Must know colors
-One rehearsal prior to a scheduled Liturgy (absolutely required)
-Register with the PREP office

St. John Celebration Brass Ensemble and Instrumentalists
-Do you play a musical instrument?
-St. John offers opportunities to enhance the Sunday Liturgy with various instruments

St. John Singing Angels Choir (grades 2 and beyond)
-Only requirement is a love of music!
-Rehearsals will begin on Tuesday, October 9th from 4:15 p.m.-5:15pm
-Commitment to rehearsals and performances is a must!
-Register through the PREP office

St. John Faith Ringers (adult and high school age)
-This choir rings on an average of once per month
-Rehearsals on Monday evenings from 6:00-7:00 p.m. beginning on Monday, September 10
-Must be available on holidays
-If enough people are willing, a new hand bell choir will be formed

St. John Celebration Choir (adult and high school age)
-Rehearsals on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. beginning Wednesday, September 5
-Sings at the 10:00 a.m. liturgy on Sunday

St. John Schola Cantorum
-Small group of vocalists who have studied music in high school, college, and beyond
-Members of the high school Schola are cantors or are being trained to cantor
-There are limited openings for this choir that performs difficult music with few rehearsals

-We are always in need of a cantor and will provide training
-Rehearsals begin on Monday, November 5th from 7:30-8:30 p.m.

Julie Richards
(810) 658-1135

Eucharistic Ministers

Lay ministers who assist at Mass by sharing the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, with Mass participants. Training provided and schedule posted in the vesting room and online.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Training Guidelines

Schedules for St. John and Blessed Sacrament

Contact: Alex Boros (810) 653-8425

Gift Bearers

Actively involves parishioners in the Liturgy, by presenting the bread, wine, and monetary offerings of the assembly. No training is required. Individuals may sign-up for special family dates.

To schedule a time to take to bring up the Offertory Gifts  at a Mass you will need to make an account. It will be easier the next time you enter the scheduling pages!

Contact: Fred and Brandi Lampe (810) 333-7148


Greet parishioners and guests before weekend Masses and distribute worship aids used in services. Assigned on a rotating basis approximately every six weeks. Required to be present half an hour before Mass.

Click here for Schedules!

Contact: Beth Shemanski (810) 730-2476


Proclaim the Word of God during Mass and various services, thereby fostering a greater love for the Scripture and deeper insight into their meaning.

Schedules for St. John and Blessed Sacrament

Readers Training Guidelines

Contact: Brenda Stikeleather (810) 297-8550 OR Alex Boros (810) 653-8425


Ensure that worshipers are seated comfortably, assist elderly and disabled persons, collect the weekly offering, direct Communion lines, and otherwise assist at Masses and other services. Men, women, young adults, and teens are welcome. Training available.

St. John
Blessed Sacrament: Click here!

Contact at St. John: Lindsay McGlashen (757) 912-3775
Contact at Blessed Sacrament: Gary Fielder (810) 742-2563

Ushers (Funerals)

Ensure that individuals attending the funeral are seated comfortably, assist the elderly and the disabled person, orientate the individuals who will be readers at the Mass, distribute worship aids for family and friends, and direct Communion lines. Training available.

Contact at St. John: Mary Kneiper (810) 653-6728
Contact at Blessed Sacrament: Gary Fielder (810) 742-2563