Parish Life

Bulletin Inserter

Volunteers meet at the St. John Parish Office on Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. Inserting the notice/notices generally takes approximately 1 ½ hours. Coffee and good conversation are provided.

Contact: Alex Boros (810) 653-2377, Ext. 223.

Eagles’ Nest

Located in the Family Center in room 101b, the Eagles’ Nest offers child care, providing you the opportunity to work out in the Wellness Center, walk the track, volunteer during P.R.E.P., visit the Library or attend a meeting on Campus. When you sign your child in, leave your cell phone number. Should your child require your immediate attention, you will be notified via cell phone. Donations are asked to offset the cost of the service.
Hours of operation:
Sundays 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Monday – Thursday 4:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Closed during the summer.

Contact: Julianne Pumphrey (810) 652-0304 ext. 278

Fifty (50) & Over Club

Offers social functions including entertainment and extended trips for seniors; prepares and delivers holiday “Love Baskets” of fruit, candy and cookies for home bound seniors; meets on the third Tuesday for Liturgy at 5:00 p.m., followed by a potluck dinner.

Contact: Beth Brancheau (810) 308-8490

Men’s Club

This organization was created for all men of the parish. Its purpose is to create a closer bond of friendship between all men of the parish. This organization strives to enhance the spiritual, physical, cultural and social life of the men of our parish as well as the service needs requested by our Pastor and parish. Some of its activities include fund raisers, sports organization and supervision for the youth of our parish, sports activities, guest speakers, Father’s Day recognition, and a parish picnic.

Contact: Rick VanHaaften (810) 348-0733 for St. John and Bill Lawson (810) 742-2636 for Blessed Sacrament


This program is a fundraiser for the All Parish Family Center. Volunteers are asked to give thirty minutes after Mass once a month to help. For each certificate sold to parishioners for groceries, gasoline, and restaurants the parish receives a percentage.

Contact: Alex Boros (810) 653-2377, Ext. 223.

Sports Council

The Sports Council looks to find ways to provide and monitor athletic opportunities in a Christian setting through the use of our facilities and other sites. Examples are Basketball for 40 and Over, and Basketball Camp for boys and girls grades K-3 and youth basketball league for boys and girls K-3.

Contact: Joe Jared (810) 652-0304; Ted Miles (810) 348-6020