Please consider participating or volunteering for the following Masses throughout the four weekends of Advent.
- We need baby Jesus shower hosts at Masses the weekend of 12/14 & 12/15 to bring forward the crib after the offertory gifts are presented.
- We need a baby Jesus cuddler for the opening procession at each Christmas Eve Mass.
- We need Epiphany Masses the weekend of 1/4 & 1/5.
- Volunteers are needed for Advent set up on 11/29 at 3pm.
- Volunteers are needed for Christmas set up on 12/23 from 10:30 to 3:30.
You can sign up online at: go/30E0E48A8AB2DA6FF2-stjohn or by contacting Diane Mischel (810) 577-5120 diane.r.mischel@